Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Confessions of Secret Dreams

OK, so I am going to keep a running list of secret dreams I have. Most of them goofy, all of them things that have crossed my mind and have caused me to think "Well, wouldn't THAT be grand?" Feel free to add your own. I don't get nearly enough comments. (Nikki - I know you're out there...)

1. That gay marriage would be approved and the divorce rate would plummet severely over the course of time. Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass for the religious right?

2. That Antiono Ciacia (I didn't get the job, by the way), would marry Charro, thus making her Charro Chacha and that they would produce a son names Chachi.

3. That I could roller skate on the old 4-wheeled skates in my neighborhood without the fear of being heckled by the damn teenagers that are everywhere these days.

4. That the 126 OTHER people who have joined my "Wall of Sound" alumni Face Book group were truly as band geeky as I am and would join me on a weekend in the fall to go watch our old marching band compete in Columbus. Not gonna happen. As far as I know, I am the Queen of the Band Fags and there is a better chance that secret dreams #1-3 would happen than anyone else would voluntarily spend a few hours watching a high school band competition on a gorgeous fall Saturday afternoon.

That's all I have right now. I'll add more as they come to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only would I go watch the Wall with you, I REALLY want to go to DCI finals one of these years. No joke, I have DCI shows on my mp3 player that I listen to - freakin' amazing! If you're the Queen of the Band Fags, I think I'm at least a Dutchess :)